10 Ways of Launching Commands from your Shell thumbnail

10 Ways of Launching Commands from your Shell

Learn how to launch commands from your shell like a pro!

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You already know how to start commands from your shell:

# try a quick command
ls /home

But despite your operating system being multitasked, did you notice your shell is blocked when you start long-lived commands?

# download a large file
wget yesik.it/unix.se.7z

Hopefully, your shell can start a command as a background process. That way you can continue working on your terminal while a lengthy task is going on. You can also spawn several concurrent background tasks and wait for all of them to be completed. Or trigger some action like displaying an error message if a command fails.

If you want to know more, click the big orange button to register on my mailing list and you will receive a link to download my cheat sheet: "10 Ways of Launching Commands from your Shell".

PS: If you want to know more about the shell, take a look at my online course: Yes I Know The Bash & Linux Command Line Tools!
