Yes, I know
How to use the Array.reduce method to combine the map and filter operations

Maybe did you already know how to use the filter and map array methods in JavaScript? But how to perform those operations both at the same time? Array.reduce is the solution…​


Our example

For the purpose of that article, I will assume I have the following array of objects:

const tags = [
  { name: "Linux", score: .6 },
  { name: "Open Source", score: .7 },
  { name: "Bash", score: .9 },
  { name: "Shell", score: .8 },
  { name: "Awk", score: .2 },
  { name: "Sed", score: .3 },

It represents a small collection of tags, with their name and some relevance score. We will see how we can process that array to extract the name of the most relevant tags.

A simply illustrative price tag

Extracting a subset of an array with Array.filter

In our example, I want to keep only the most relevant tags. We will assume a "relevant" tag has a score strictly greater than 0.5.

This requirement can easily be expressed in javascript:

(tag) => tag.score > .5
// or if you don't like fat arrow functions:
// function(tag) { return tag.score > .5 }

That function will return either true or false depending on the score of the tag received as a parameter.

This function is all that is required by the Array.filter method to work: once given a filtering function, Array.filter will apply it to every element of the original array, and will produce a new one containing only the elements having succeeded at the test (i.e., for whose the filtering function has returned true):

tags.filter((tag) => tag.score > .5);
//- [ { name: 'Linux', score: 0.6 },
//-   { name: 'Open Source', score: 0.7 },
//-   { name: 'Bash', score: 0.9 },
//-   { name: 'Shell', score: 0.8 } ]

Now we have the most relevant tags according to our requirements. But I only want their name. That is a job for the function.

Mapping item values to a new array using

In my example, a tag is an object. However, I am only interested in the name field of that object, not by the entire object.

Once again it is quite easy to write a function to extract the name of a tag:

(tag) =>
// or if you don't like fat arrow functions:
// function(tag) { return }

If you give such function to the method, it will return a new array whose elements are obtained by applying the user function to the corresponding elements of the initial array: =>;
//- [ 'Linux', 'Open Source', 'Bash', 'Shell', 'Awk', 'Sed' ]

Remember, I wanted only the name of the most relevant tags. However, since both and Array.filter applies to an array, and return a new array, you can chain them:

tags.filter((tag) => tag.score > .5)
    .map((tag) =>;
//- [ 'Linux', 'Open Source', 'Bash', 'Shell' ]

You may argue such solution could be inefficient because the overhead cost incurred by the function calls. So, can’t we find a solution to combine both the and Array.filter in only one operation? Indeed, we can do that using the Array.reduce method.

Introducing Array.reduce

To quote the Mozilla MDN web documentation:

The reduce() method applies a function against an accumulator and each element in the array (from left to right) to reduce it to a single value.

It is not immediately obvious how this relates to my initial problem. However, if you consider in that definition the accumulator is the result array, you may understand the Array.reduce method as something with a semantic very close to the one of or Array, filter. The difference is, with Array.reduce, the result array is explicitly passed as an argument and maintained by the user function instead of being implicitly handled by the JavaScript provided method.

Maybe an example would make things more clear. Do you remember the filtering code we used earlier?

tags.filter((tag) => tag.score > .5);
//- [ { name: 'Linux', score: 0.6 },
//-   { name: 'Open Source', score: 0.7 },
//-   { name: 'Bash', score: 0.9 },
//-   { name: 'Shell', score: 0.8 } ]

That code can be rewritten using Array.reduce instead to produce exactly the same result:

tags.reduce((acc, tag) => { if (tag.score > .5) acc.push(tag); return acc }, []);
//- [ { name: 'Linux', score: 0.6 },
//-   { name: 'Open Source', score: 0.7 },
//-   { name: 'Bash', score: 0.9 },
//-   { name: 'Shell', score: 0.8 } ]

There are several things to notice here:

  • First, the user method now takes two arguments since the accumulator is explicitly passed in addition to the current item at each call.

  • Then, we must also explicitly handle that accumulator by pushing the items we want to keep. Something that was handled for us under the hood by Array.filter and

  • For the same reason, the user function has to explicitly return the accumulator after each iteration.

  • Finally, we have to pass the initial value of the accumulator—​an empty array—​as the last argument of Array.reduce.

To test your understanding, you may stop reading here and try to implement using the Array.reduce method.

Screening of sand and clay in an Indian village

Combining filter and map using a single reduce call

If you’ve done the little exercise I suggested above, you should now have gained confidence in using the Array.reduce method. So, I will directly jump to rewriting our previous filter+map solution as just one Array.reduce operation. Of course, you remember the code we used:

tags.filter((tag) => tag.score > .5).map((tag) =>;

Ok, this is your last chance to try it by yourself. Are you ready for the solution? So, here it is:

tags.reduce((acc, tag) => { if (tag.score > .5) acc.push(; return acc }, []);
//- [ 'Linux', 'Open Source', 'Bash', 'Shell' ]

While interesting and quite readable, I must admit my deception when I realized after having run a benchmark (on my Chrome browser) that latest solution was consistently the slowest than the previous one. Of course, depending on your platform and your particular use case, the results may vary. Nevertheless, I wondered in there was some more efficient way of doing.

An alternate solution

In JavaScript, nested function can access variables defined in the outer scope. So maybe that could perform better:

const result = [];
tags.forEach((tag) => { if (tag.score > .5) result.push( });
//- [ 'Linux', 'Open Source', 'Bash', 'Shell' ]

And indeed, that latest option was consistently the fastest of the three I suggested in this article. Once again, this is just the result of running a benchmark in the particular conditions of my browser and using a very small dataset. I encourage you to do your own tests corresponding to your particular use case if you really need the best performances here.

Benchmark performances result on my system--the solution using a forEach() loop is the fastest

Speaking of that, a plain old for loop will undoubtedly perform even better. But as of myself, I find the functional style more readable, and, unless when working on the critical loop of an application, I would favor the readability and maintainability of a piece of code rather than its (more or less) supposed efficiency. Of course, that is a matter of taste, so feel free to disagree here!

Anyway, I hope this article helped you to better understand the, Array.filter and Array.reduce methods and how you can combine them to process your data.

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